So what got me started on deciding to write this blog was this idea to take a trip. A long trip. A 2-month long trip.
I’ve been mulling it over in my mind for a long time but noticed whenever I would think about traveling I would come up with excuses: I don’t want to travel alone. I want to wait until I meet the love of my life so we can travel together. My business is too big to travel now. I’ve got too many exciting business ideas and irons in the fire to travel now.
And yet…
I found that when people would talk about taking these long trips to India, Bali, Thailand, etc. I would feel so envious.
A couple of years ago, I began reading Eat, Pray, Love and couldn’t even finish it I wanted to travel THAT much. Reading that book made me homesick for Bali (where I had traveled for 2 months in 1999).
I began to long for the feel of few possessions in my backpack and an unknown destination for the rest of the day/week/month. Not knowing (or caring) what time it was. The exhilarating feeling of freedom and the sense that anything is possible because there is no structured time and that endless to do list to complete.
So a few weeks ago I spoke with my wise friend Peter about my desire to travel. Through my conversation with him I realized I couldn’t NOT travel. I just couldn’t put it off any longer. On some deep level I’ve been waiting for the yet-to-be-met guy to show up before buying that plane ticket. I’ve been waiting for my business to suddenly “feel” like it will be fine with me away from it for 2 months.
Through my conversation with Peter I realized that I could wait for everything to line up.
Or I could just go. Alone. With a backpack. And my adventurous spirit. And my ability to make friends with people wherever I go. And my lust for travel and foreign countries and yummy food and a totally new environment that always causes my world to turn upside down (in a good way).
At one point during our conversation about my traveling, I said: “My life is pretty great here.”
and he said, “Yeah, you do have a great life here.”
I continued: “I do have a great life and yet…”
and he said, “And yet, what?”
“I still want to go.”
So I’m choosing to go. I’m not running away from my life the way I have in years past when I’ve taken long trips. I’m not totally exhausted and depleted like in years past when I’ve needed two months to rest my weary brain and bones. I’m going because:
I simply want to do some traveling.
And that is the main reason why I’m starting this blog. To chronicle my travel adventures so that I can share them with my friends and family (you) and perhaps not feel alone while I am wherever I am.
I’m still not sure exactly where I’m going but I’ll keep you posted.
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